L.I:To make the right.
Today for kiwi can we went inside an sat down on the ground and waited for Mrs Lily and Mr Mat.Our first game we played was doggy doggy.We have one person on the chair and other people out on the floor.We started everybody got a turn on the chair.Everybody was trying to get the pen.It was the last round it was Mr Mats turn.Some people were getting tagged and they hadded to go back behind the line.After that me and my friend got the pen.The next game we played was who's missing.We had to figure out who's missing.Mr Mat picked people on the ground and hid them in a room.Everybody was figuring out who is missing it was hard to find the person who's missing.On the last round no ones was missing no one knwon.Then we went back to class.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 25 May 2018
For maori we had to draw pictures.We had to draw pictures of angry,cold,hot and happy.We could color it, we could do something interesting we could do any color.So we did colors and we did funny stuff on their we made stuff on the back we also got to keep our drawing.Next we had to go on our slides and do some changes on their.We had to do pictures of our mom and dad.We could do cartoon characters for our family.After that we had talk about our school where we live also where were from.Then after that I finally finished my google slide.Mrs Oddie tought me everything that I know now.
This week we were doing volume for maths.We had to measure volume .We had to make a video or a photo for maths.I had to figure out some problems that can help me with volume so I can finish my volume blog post.We had to get a small cup and a big bowl.We had measure with shapes and we also had to use a marker so we can draw line.Drawing the line is for how tall is it.After we measured the shapes we take a picture or a video of it.That's for maths.
Fire works
L.I:To write about fire works.
This week we were writing about fire works.We wrote what's in a fire and how does a fire work works.We had make a sentence about fire works.We had to talk about what's inside the fire that helps to shoot up in the air.We did step by step to figure out what to do.We had to write a interesting title and some ideas that can helps me with my writing.We had to make a explantion about fire works.We had to make pictures,a conclusion and a also introduction.We had write everything in the boss box cause that's what's it called.That's all for my writing.
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Kiwi can
L.I:To make some rips.
Today we played some games.The first game was everybody was it.Our focus was making rips.The intructions were that you have rip of the peoples tags.Who ever has the most is the winner.Everybody was ripping peoples tags off it was fun.Some people got four and some people had two or one.I like to rip peoples tags off it's fun.Then the next game was rats and rabbits.One person at the front and one person at the back.Everybody had a turn of being taggers and runners.I ripped my friends rip tag off in one second.Then the next game was rippa rush.It's like bull rush but with tags.Everybody was side stepping and was just running staright up.I were looking at our target and tagging them.Then after that we played a game of ripper.Everybody were getting tries and were trying to side step them as well.It was the last game I got so many tries I was happy and just want to play again.Then we went back to class.
Today we played some games.The first game was everybody was it.Our focus was making rips.The intructions were that you have rip of the peoples tags.Who ever has the most is the winner.Everybody was ripping peoples tags off it was fun.Some people got four and some people had two or one.I like to rip peoples tags off it's fun.Then the next game was rats and rabbits.One person at the front and one person at the back.Everybody had a turn of being taggers and runners.I ripped my friends rip tag off in one second.Then the next game was rippa rush.It's like bull rush but with tags.Everybody was side stepping and was just running staright up.I were looking at our target and tagging them.Then after that we played a game of ripper.Everybody were getting tries and were trying to side step them as well.It was the last game I got so many tries I was happy and just want to play again.Then we went back to class.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Keywords and Concept star
L.I:To To finish our reading.
This is my keywords and my concept star that I wrote.We had to read a book make ideas so we could make our writing finish.I wrote some ideas into my writing and figured out some stuff out by listening to the teacher.I had to do some keywords that can help with our writing and can help with our hole reading.I wrote some ideas about scientist that knew about this book and scientist that knows about super sense.We had to think about what to do what to write and figure what's the problem.This is all for my reading thank you for reading this.
Thursday, 17 May 2018
L.I:To learn new key words.
This week for reading we did key words for reading.We had to the key words that si in the book that we got from the liabray and the book room.We had to wrote the reminder and the keywords that we found for learning and for information that we need.We had to finish it until Friday.We made lots of keywords and reminders readingis so fun.The books was really helpful it can help with reading.So this is waht we wrote for our reading this week.When you write a keyword you have to write what it means like the diffintion like for an example message.When you get an message the brain sends it back to the body.Reading is so cool I like it so much.
Kiwi can
L.I:Today we went to kiwi can to learn.
Today we went to kiwi to learn and to have fun.The first game we played was clap.I thought it was easy but it's a different kind of clap game.Of the kiwi can leader does or cross we have to clap.Of the kiwi can leader didn't do the cross or we were to late that means we have to sit down .It was hard playing clap.Everybody lost the game.We had a another game of clap.People were getting out and people were lying.When they got out didn't sit down and they wanted to win the game.The next game we played was Shark attach.The taggers tried to tg us but there were tired of running and also the people who is not the taggers.Then it was my turn and charlize to tag.I wasn't tired of running cause sharks nerver get tired of eating and tagging.After that we went back to the kiwi can room and sat down.Then we played master.We asked questions and we were trying to answer the questions.Then after that we went to kiwi can and i'm the master for next week.
Today we went to kiwi to learn and to have fun.The first game we played was clap.I thought it was easy but it's a different kind of clap game.Of the kiwi can leader does or cross we have to clap.Of the kiwi can leader didn't do the cross or we were to late that means we have to sit down .It was hard playing clap.Everybody lost the game.We had a another game of clap.People were getting out and people were lying.When they got out didn't sit down and they wanted to win the game.The next game we played was Shark attach.The taggers tried to tg us but there were tired of running and also the people who is not the taggers.Then it was my turn and charlize to tag.I wasn't tired of running cause sharks nerver get tired of eating and tagging.After that we went back to the kiwi can room and sat down.Then we played master.We asked questions and we were trying to answer the questions.Then after that we went to kiwi can and i'm the master for next week.
Thursday, 10 May 2018
The Cobras
LI: This week we were talking about the task.My group only did the logo.But we did the task that we had to do on the task site.We had to make a DLO talking about us and our team.We had to consentrate on our work and stay on our work so it can be finish.My group was concentrating to finish this so we can finish all the must do's and get to do the other task because it's intersting and so my group can paticpate in the task.
This is what I wrote on someone's blog post.I like to comment on peoples blogs.They look intersting and it looks good.He has amazing ideas on his blog.When he get's older he's gonna be a blog star.
Kiwi sport
L.I:To learn how to play games.
Today group A went to kiwi sport.We played ripper rugby.We played different games because the insturucter wasn't here today so we did our own games.The first game we played was a game that we played before.There is one team that has the ball and they have to get us and you cna't mov when you have the ball.It was bips vs non bips.The first team was the non bips.We were running around and people were tired running around.They had 2 minutes to catch people.It was time up.The non bips only got two people.It was the bips turn to be it.The game started we were running around to catch people.I tagged 2 people it was really easy to tagged them becuase there were so close to me I didn't need to reach them and tag them.The game stopped we won.We got six people tagged.Then we played a game that we didn't know.So we had to pass backwards to our teamates until we got it to the bip.Everybody was looking confused where to pass and where to go.Then we went to class.Kiwi sport is really fun.
Today group A went to kiwi sport.We played ripper rugby.We played different games because the insturucter wasn't here today so we did our own games.The first game we played was a game that we played before.There is one team that has the ball and they have to get us and you cna't mov when you have the ball.It was bips vs non bips.The first team was the non bips.We were running around and people were tired running around.They had 2 minutes to catch people.It was time up.The non bips only got two people.It was the bips turn to be it.The game started we were running around to catch people.I tagged 2 people it was really easy to tagged them becuase there were so close to me I didn't need to reach them and tag them.The game stopped we won.We got six people tagged.Then we played a game that we didn't know.So we had to pass backwards to our teamates until we got it to the bip.Everybody was looking confused where to pass and where to go.Then we went to class.Kiwi sport is really fun.
Cause and Effect

This week for writing we did cause and effect.We had to blog this until Friday afternoon.We had to write the cause and effect.Also we had to write the causal language.This is what I wrote for my cause and effect writing.I finished this on Monday afternoon.I like doing writing because it's fun and it's teaches me new things.I was thinking about what to do and what to write.I wasn't thinking about anything else I justed like to work no talking.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
L.I:To learn about maths.
Today we had to learn about compacity.We had to learn how much can compacity measure and all the others.We made our video and answered the questions.We had measure 8 different cups.Some that we don't know and some that we do know.Maths was really fun.We did maths kind of stuff and we got to measure the 8 different cups.We learned different stuff that we just learned.Maths is really important.
Today we had to learn about compacity.We had to learn how much can compacity measure and all the others.We made our video and answered the questions.We had measure 8 different cups.Some that we don't know and some that we do know.Maths was really fun.We did maths kind of stuff and we got to measure the 8 different cups.We learned different stuff that we just learned.Maths is really important.
Kiwi can
L.I:To have fun.
Today we went to kiwi can and played some game.The first game that we played was opposites.We have to go the opposite way.There is one person that is guide person.Of the perosn goes to the right you have to go left.Also we had to do another actions aswell.It was a fun game and we had to be honest in this game.Then after that we played a game called master tag.Of the person gets tag you have to sit down and watch the person who tagged you.Of the person who tagged you and got tagged you can get in the game again.Everyone was tagging eachother.Some people were not tagging there friends because friends do not get tag.But I tag my friends.It supposed be a fear game.Then we went back to class.Kiwi cna was so much fun.
Today we went to kiwi can and played some game.The first game that we played was opposites.We have to go the opposite way.There is one person that is guide person.Of the perosn goes to the right you have to go left.Also we had to do another actions aswell.It was a fun game and we had to be honest in this game.Then after that we played a game called master tag.Of the person gets tag you have to sit down and watch the person who tagged you.Of the person who tagged you and got tagged you can get in the game again.Everyone was tagging eachother.Some people were not tagging there friends because friends do not get tag.But I tag my friends.It supposed be a fear game.Then we went back to class.Kiwi cna was so much fun.
L.I:To leanrn new words.
Today we had to learn new maori words.We had to make a google slide and talk about our family and our favourite sport.I made my writing post and this is my writing post.So we had to leanrn new maori words that we didn't learn.We had to finds words in maori dictionary.It told us lot's of information and it gave me ideas what to write on my google slide.You can find maori dictionary in google search it can be intersting and helpful for maori work.You can also find words like this from a maori teacher and she or him will tell you some.
What is a nerve
L.I:To learn what's a nerve.
This week for reading I was learning about what is a nerve.We had to leanr about what is a nerve.We had to look in a dictionary and figure out what is a nerve.We had to make a DLO about what is a nerve.We had to answer the questions on LS1 2018 site.We learned everything about a nerve and figured out the questions that was on the site.We had to go finds books and journals about a nerve and look at it of were gonna get or not.Of you don't know what a nerve is read this and your get some ideas whats a nerve.
Friday, 4 May 2018
Kiwi sport
L.I: To have fun.
Today we did football.We learned hwo to pass and control the ball.After that we played a game and it was called keepaway.The person says a number and they have to go.Everyone got turn's to play.The other team got one goal and our team got one goal aswell it was tied.People almost got goals because they were almost to the goal but the ball just goes a differnt way.I got my first goal I was happy the other team thought is wasn't a goal but it was.I got caught in the net and cut my self.But I was happy that we got a goal because o fthe other team gotta goal it will be 2 to 0 thats why you should control the ball so you can get a goal.The it was time to go back to class.It was a really fun game.
Today we did football.We learned hwo to pass and control the ball.After that we played a game and it was called keepaway.The person says a number and they have to go.Everyone got turn's to play.The other team got one goal and our team got one goal aswell it was tied.People almost got goals because they were almost to the goal but the ball just goes a differnt way.I got my first goal I was happy the other team thought is wasn't a goal but it was.I got caught in the net and cut my self.But I was happy that we got a goal because o fthe other team gotta goal it will be 2 to 0 thats why you should control the ball so you can get a goal.The it was time to go back to class.It was a really fun game.
The Multiplier
L.I To answer the question.
Today we had to do a equation.We had to think about what's the answer and figure how to figure out the answer.I thought about how to do it and figure out what the answer.We could change the answer and make it harder.This is a game fun because it can make your brain smarter and you can get smarter at this game aswell.This game is good to play.This game can also help you out when you do maths or when you do a hard equation.
Types of text
L.I:To learn about healthy.
Explanation planner
Today I had to write a planner that will help me with my Explanation.I had to write what we had to do.We had go put it in order so.This is my explantion planner that I did today.This was about to make a plan to finish it and also go on my other must do's.
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Blog commenting
Today we had to do cybersmart.We had to comment on peoples work.We had to learn the word pth.It means Positive thoughtful helpful.We had to write a quality blog comment.We had to comment on the people that the teacher said.This is how you write a quality blog comment.
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Today we did Maori.We had to learn some new words and we had to write on google sheets and google docs.Also we had to do the english words as well.Then we had to go on google sheets and go write the other maori words.We had to learn the words that were on the paper and figure out how to say it .Then we had to look on google maps and find this.It was by our school on the other side of the buliding.Also the words that we had to search up was on maori dictionary.It told us lots of information on the site.The maori words that we searched up was feeling words.After that we had to finish the feeling writing stuff that we had to do.After that we had to stop.
L.I:To have fun.
Today LS1 group A went to kiwi can.Our theme today was integrity and integrity means making the right choices. The first energiser game that we played was make the right choice.How to play is there is a bad choice and a good choice.We have to choose the one that you want to go.So we the kiwi can people were telling different questions and the questions were easy.That game was really fun.Then we played a game called terminator tag.Of you get tag you have to sit down and watch your person.Of you get tag the person who got from that person gets to stand up again.The game started.People got tag and a lot of people were sitting down.I tagged a lot of people it was a very fun game.I was running around and getting tired.Then after that we went back to class.Kiwi can is fun.
Having fun and getting to play games.
Kiwi can
L.I:To have fun.
Today LS1 group A went to kiwi can.The first energiser game that we played was make the right choice.How to play is there is a bad choice and a good choice.We have to choose the one that you want to go.So we the kiwi can people were telling different questions and the questions were easy.That game was really fun.Then we played a game called terminator tag.Of you get tag you have to sit down and watch your person.Of you get tag the person who got from that person gets to stand up again.The game started.People got tag and a lot of people were sitting down.I tagged a lot of people it was a very fun game.I was running around and getting tired.Then after that we went back to class.Kiwi can is fun.\
Having fun and getting to play games.
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