This week for maths we learned how to do measuring with different kind of stuff.Standard measurements are when you use a rulers and non standard measurement are when you use different items not rulers.We had to measure different kind of items in the class room for maths to see how long is it.Length is where you can see the paper on the side depth is on the left side and the last I don't know is the bottom.Thats how we did measuring.We also had to not use the same item to measure with because that is cheating you got to find other items that is in the class room there is lot's of items in this class room.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Writing planning
L.I:To plan a narritive.
This week for writing we did a narritive.We had to plan our narritive to make a story planning is good because you know what you are doing for your story.My planner was about Super Sonic Bolt getting captured in the basement.He finds a secret door to escape the basement.They got out of the haunted house and they ran away from the haunted to survive/To not get killed.My problem was what needs to get solved and the solution is how the problem solved.The problem was that Super Sonic Bolt got captured into a haunted house.My solution is that Super Sonic Bolt found a secret door and ran away from the haunted house.
What is media?
L.I:To leanrn about what is media?
Today LS1 did cybersmart.For Cybersmart we did media.We had to learn about what is media.We had to get into 2-3 groups to do it.We had to write about what is media.We looked at a video to see what is media.The video was about what kind of stuff can be media.The 2nd video was about what kind of items can be media like mobile items.News paper is media news paper tell us about the news.Did you guys know about media and meduim.When its meduim its single but when its media it lots.That is what media is and medium.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Visualising and questioning
This week for reading we did visualising and questioning.We had to get the a book and visualise.Visualise means to picture something into your head and draw the picture.We had to get a book from the box.Write in the title into the document.Find two pages in the book you want to draw.Question something that is in the book.Try to answer the book and put your drawing into the document.To draw it you could do it on your writing book or can do on a google draw.
Kiwi sport
L.I:To learn how to swim
Today year four boys and girls went to swimiming.We had to learn about how to be safe and how to learn swimiming skills.We went to the panmure pool.To get into the pool we had to put our hands onto the floor together and turn our body around to get down into the pool.The first skill we did was the basic one.We had to put our hands together and then piddle to the black mat.The next skill we did we had to lie on our backs to do it.We had to lie on our backs facing the roof to make sure we don't fall back into the water then piddle all the way back to the wall.After that we used boards.We had to hold the board then piddle all the way to the black mat.The last we did was we had to lie on our back again but with our boards.We had to do the same thing.Look up to the roof and keep your body straight.
Today year four boys and girls went to swimiming.We had to learn about how to be safe and how to learn swimiming skills.We went to the panmure pool.To get into the pool we had to put our hands onto the floor together and turn our body around to get down into the pool.The first skill we did was the basic one.We had to put our hands together and then piddle to the black mat.The next skill we did we had to lie on our backs to do it.We had to lie on our backs facing the roof to make sure we don't fall back into the water then piddle all the way back to the wall.After that we used boards.We had to hold the board then piddle all the way to the black mat.The last we did was we had to lie on our back again but with our boards.We had to do the same thing.Look up to the roof and keep your body straight.
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Duffy theater
L.I:To learn not to be a bully.
Today me and my class went to the duffy theater.There were three people for the duffy show.The show was called the cloakroom bully.It was about one person being the bully,one person who is the bully and one person that was the kind person.They were playing training for soccer for the tourment.Malony got bullied from this girl called ashley.Malony wanted to play with them but Ashley said to go away.The bell rang and it was time for class.Duffy was talking about his tourment.Ashley was a ghost and Malony was a skeleton.After that it was school time.Malony gave Ashley a book it was Duffy's book.At night time Ashley was reading this book and later on at night time she saw that ghost being a bully and she thought about how to say sorry to Malony.When it was school time Duffy and Ashley were playing soccer.Malony came to see Duffy.When she got there Ashley aplogised to Malony and they played soccer together.That is the end.
Today me and my class went to the duffy theater.There were three people for the duffy show.The show was called the cloakroom bully.It was about one person being the bully,one person who is the bully and one person that was the kind person.They were playing training for soccer for the tourment.Malony got bullied from this girl called ashley.Malony wanted to play with them but Ashley said to go away.The bell rang and it was time for class.Duffy was talking about his tourment.Ashley was a ghost and Malony was a skeleton.After that it was school time.Malony gave Ashley a book it was Duffy's book.At night time Ashley was reading this book and later on at night time she saw that ghost being a bully and she thought about how to say sorry to Malony.When it was school time Duffy and Ashley were playing soccer.Malony came to see Duffy.When she got there Ashley aplogised to Malony and they played soccer together.That is the end.
Kiwi can
L.I:To bounce back into sports or anything.
Today for kiwi can we played some games and talked about resillience.The first energiser we played was Silent.We had to get in order of our age and month.We had to make sure we got in the right place before we will lose.For the month group A won and for the age we lost Xavier said he was the youngest but he was actullaty nine years old he was the last one we were so close of winning both of them.After that we talked about resillience.It was really important.The next activity we played was called goals.We had to split our selves into two groups.There were team 1 and team 2.Our goal was to get up to 500.So on each cone there numbers.The first was 50,the second one was 100 and the last was 150 that was the bouns point.Evrybody had fun and got to play.We lost it was 350 to 250 of you got the hula hoop into 150 it would be a tie and everybody would win.
Today for kiwi can we played some games and talked about resillience.The first energiser we played was Silent.We had to get in order of our age and month.We had to make sure we got in the right place before we will lose.For the month group A won and for the age we lost Xavier said he was the youngest but he was actullaty nine years old he was the last one we were so close of winning both of them.After that we talked about resillience.It was really important.The next activity we played was called goals.We had to split our selves into two groups.There were team 1 and team 2.Our goal was to get up to 500.So on each cone there numbers.The first was 50,the second one was 100 and the last was 150 that was the bouns point.Evrybody had fun and got to play.We lost it was 350 to 250 of you got the hula hoop into 150 it would be a tie and everybody would win.
Friday, 6 July 2018
A story/the hero of the day
The hero of the day
Superman and his friends brought their gear and played some games.Pikachu came along down to play with Superman and his friends.
They were playing soccer and having fun.Pikachu was hogging the ball for himself.
Super man was getting angry at Pikachu for hogging the ball to long.
Pikachu and Superman were starting to have a fight.Spongebob came down to the field and stopped the fight.Superman and Pikachu were now best friends.Also they never fighted ever again.
Pikachu and Superman were still best friends.They played together and they also became roommates.They all ways had there back for something.Of Pikachu and Superman had a fight with someone they had their back.
The next day.Superman and Pikachu woke up.Superman’s friends came over to play some sports.They got onto to the fields and played some games.The played soccer again.Pikachu had the ball.He was hogging the ball again.Superman was getting angry.He didn’t won’t to be angry at his friend Pikachu.But he had to do it.
Pikachu and Superman did the same thing from last week.They are fighting again.Spongebob came down to see his two best friends.When he got to the field he saw his two best friends fighting again.He was tired to stop them.He had to stop them twice.He didn’t like doing the same thing.
Spongebob stopped the fight and solved the problem.Superman and Pikachu became friends again.Pikachu and Superman promised to not fight ever again.
Pikachu,Spongebob and Superman
New Zealand
5th of July
L.I:To make a story. This week for writing we wrote a narritive.We had to make story.We had to do a plan our story before making our story.It is really important to write a plan before making a story.Cause of you write a story without a plan your gonna fail your story.
Inquiry/the quiz
When it was term one week one we did MRS GREN.We had to go in groups.We had to make a team name for our team.My group was called the Cobras.We could only do a living thing.In term two week two we kept on doing MRS GREN.This inquiry work is really important.So in term two week two we did senseitivity.Also in term one week three we also did senseitivity.In term two week four we did nutrition.In term two week five we also did nutrition.In term two week six we did respirartion.Respiration was really interesting.Also in term two week eight we did respiration.In term two week nine we had to prove of this animal was a living oraganism.This week for inquiry we did a quiz.The quiz was drawing,sculpting and question and answer.Everybody had fun at doing the quiz and were really good at it.

Thursday, 5 July 2018
Quiz/For Reading
L.I:To learn how to make a quiz.
This week for reading we learned about how to make a quiz.We had to go on Kahoot and google forms to do our questions.We could do it with partners or by our selves.The book that my grou p did was Boost.The quiz is about the book that you are reading.We had to think about our questions before we create.Kahoot is good to put questions on because you can share it to other people can play it.
ASB get wise
L.I:To learn how to save money.
This week Group A did ASB get wise.We learned about CASH goals.We were talking about how to save money.The C means clear,the A means action,the S means save and the last one is H the h means how long.Cash goals are really important.Saving your money is also really.Of you like this car and it's over one thousand dollars and you have the money to buy it that means that your wasting money.But of this car is really cheap like of it's 10 dollars that means you saving more money by not buying something that is not cheap.That is Cash goals.Of you know about cash goals that means you really know about.That is cash goals.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Matariki Celebration
L.I:To learn something new about Matariki.
Today I learned how to work collaborative with my group.Some of LS1 and some LS2 joined to make group.We learned new stuff about Matariki day.We had to write as much imformation about Matariki to under stand Matariki.Matariki is about sharing each others knoledge and gathering togther.
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