L.I:To combine all our combo's.
This term we have been learning about boxing.It is a last
week to do our boxing so we have to learn all our combo's.
The first thing we had to is get into partners to do it.The
first combo was that we had to do jab cross and count up to
ten.When you have finshed counting to ten you go to 20 go
30 keeping on counting up until you get to 50 or more than 50.
We had a try and it was retiring because my partner was slowing
down.Also you have to do 1 burby when you have finished counting
up.The next combo was that we had to do was we had to do was
jab, cross, guard, right upercut and left hook.Also we had to try this
with noodles.It was really confusing because you have to remeber
the correct way.After that we did jab, jab, cross , bridge out,
bridge in, cross.It was also confusing.The last one we did was
jab, cross, left hook, roll, left hook.Then when that was finished
we took a team photo and had high fives.Also we did was combine
our skills that we did before to make a great combo.