LI: To learn the teachings of our tupuna (ancestors) and the history of New Zealand's native people and their land.

The LS2 boys went to the mueseum to learn about the teaching of our tupuna. To start we watched a video of what to do when we are inside the mueseum. Matua Ngarimu and Matua Kingi were telling us the information. We learn about weaponry that was used by maori people. Then we recapped on what we learnt on the treaty of waitangi and the inner carvings that's in the marae.
After we got told everything, we went outside of the mueseum to practise some moves with the taiaha. We did ka mate ka mate with taiaha.
We also had to do a quiz. We had to make sure that we payed attention when Ngarimu or Kingi told us information. Whoever wins get's a prize. We answered the questions in maori. The questions were:
- What's the name of the mountain the mueseum sits on? - The answer is Tamaki Paenga Hira.
- What's the name of the mueseum in Maori? - The answer is Pukecaua.
- Name two short hand weapons? - The two shorts we named were Mere and Patiti
- Name two two long weapons? - The two long weapons we named was tewha tewha and taiaha.
- Name the three art forms? - The three art forms were kowhai whai, whakiroa, and Laranga.
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