Friday 13 April 2018


L.I:To learn how to play and to show how to play.

On Monday I learned this math game that I justed played.It is a fun game.Your target is 100.You have a white board,marker and a dice.Of you roll a number like 9.There is a tenscolume and a ones colume.Of you put it on the tens your get 90 of you put it in the ones colume you get 9.So make sure you look out for something wrong.Of you can get to 100 you are the best.

LS1 Olympics

L.I:To play the Olympics and have fun.

Yesterday LS1 went to the hall and played the Olympic games.We had a arena that we can do our activities.We also had our own place that we can sit in.The first game we played was Stack Attach.The first was us.We failed because fell down.The person who won was Miana. 2nd place was Giovanni then 3rd place was Sione T . The the other game was a bit dicey.We failed cause it was really hard.Then the next game we played was Back flip.So we had ten pencils.You get two at a time.We had to flip it off our hand and catch.It was really hard for our team to complete it.It was very hard some people completed it.Then the next game was This blows this is the one I’d did. Everyone completed it on This blows.It was very easy.After that game it was floatacious.Some people completed least and some people completed it more.It was very fun game.Then it was the last event.It was Ready Spaghetti it was really hard because Spaghetti broke.Everyone had fun.Then after that we went back inside.

To have fun.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Our Whakatauki

V.A.S.A.R Whakatauki

L.I To make a group whakatauki.

Today me and my group made a whakatauki or our own. We had to go on a google draw and send the draw to everyone else. Once we did we had to put our team emblem on there and our team motto, along with our whakatauki that we thought of.

I learned by going onto a google draw and then sending the draw to everyone else. Then by putting on our team emblem, motto and whakatauki.