Wednesday 16 December 2020

Optical Illusions

For this activity we made our own optical illusions.

There was a website where it had all the information on it about optical illusions.

My shape I used for my optical illusion was a circle. How I made my optical illusion is that I make a big circle. I copy and paste it until than make it a little bit smaller. I just kept on doing until I thought it was enough circles put on there.

I think this is my favourite task lately.


Te Reo Maori - What are you doing?

 This activtity is an Te Reo Maori activity.

There was a voice recorder and it said a sentence in maori. Then below it was a slide with the Maori sentence with some missing words.

After that slide it is the same thing but you have place all the words into a sentence.

The challenging part was the fifth slide.

This was an cool activity.

Kowhaiwhai Pattern

This Summer Learning Journey activity we made kowhaiwhai patterns. 

First I read about Tanerore which means summer. After we have done reading about Tanerore we started on the kowhaiwhai patterns. 

We could make any pattern we wanted and we also changed the color of our background that represents summer.  

My kowhaiwhai pattern represents my family.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Insect Art | SLJD2 - 2

The Summer Learning Journey activity we did was called Insect art.

First we had to collected: leaves, twigs, and petals. I got one thing that was not in that list which is pebbles.

After we collected everything we next had to make the things we collected into a insect. The insect I made was a butterfly.

I enjoyed this activity and I really like creating things.

Here is my butterfly:

Commenting Task

 For this activtiy we just had to make comment thread on a person blogpost.

The person I commented was Riley Pao. The work I commented on was his comic strip. 

I thought his comic strip was interesting because he has written a amazing comic strip. 

There is nothing wrong with his comic strip and I'm just waiting for Riley to reply to my comment.

  1. Kia ora Riley,
    I really like your comic strip you have done. It is really interesting and this is a good writen comic strip. One question I have is what do you think about this activity.


Fishy False Teeth

 This activity was called Fishy False Teeth. First we had to read the article Fish False Teeth.

When we have finished reading the article we writed things down in a template to check if we understood the article. Next we watched a video which was called teeth. Lastly we created a comic strip.

When writing my comic strip I was making it creative and interesting. 

I enjoyed this Summer Learning Journey activity and can't wait for the next one. I enjoyed this activity because of the comic strip.

Monday 14 December 2020

Treasure Hunt with Nano Girl - SLJ Activity Day 1

This Summer Learning Journey activity, we had to look for materials that we are using to build something. To start we watched a video of Nano Girls. Nano Girl was showing materials that she was using to build something.

Some of the materials that we have found is: string, cans, plastic cups, paper, and other more. 

We have created a video about the materials we had and also finding materials. 

The photos

Video Link


We wrote a presentation and presented to our Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie. Our company is Creative Shelters. We made a presentation on our shelters and our shelter is a storm shelter. 

We presented the materials, why we chose a curved shape, and what each part is for. In our presentation we had to have all the delivrables (everything we need to have in our presentation).

Our presentation was alright and I was a little nervous speaking in front of everybody. The feedback we got from Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie is what we is our shelter protecting against and how does the curve roof of the house protect people.

Our shelter is protecting against: strong wind, heat temperature, and lightning. The roof protects people because the material of the roof would stop anything coming inside and destroying things. Any objects that hits the curve roof would slide off easily. When we were presenting we didn't have our real model and our presentation was less than a minute.

Thursday 10 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey

 For Summer Learning Journey we did an activity which was art coloring. It was a kick start activity. 

It was a website with different pictures we could color in. We chosen a color then just pressed on a certain area and it would turn into the color we just picked. 

I colored in a picture which was called: Under the Waver off Kanawaga. The person who made the was called: Hokusaica.

In the picture it's just the sea with big waves there and some other details. 

This website is really interesting and It is a good website to do art on. 


 For Maori we researched Maori places in the North Island to know the meaning of that word.

We did the same activity from last week's work. Some words that we found out the meaning is:
Paeroa - Long ridge, Whangaroa - Long harbour and lastly Matamata - Headland.

I enjoyed the work we did this week for Maori. I enjoyed it because I like finding the meaning of the Maori places.

Tuesday 1 December 2020

The Mysterious Creepy Witches

 The Witches book is written by Roald Dahl. In the story the boy and the grandmother destroys the witches of England.

The boy is still a mouse person. All the witches were turned into mice and even the Grand High Witch. If one Grand High Witch dies there is always another Grand High Witch. The boy and the grandmother saved all the children of England. The problem is that there is still witches in other countries. The grandmother told the boy that she spoke with the chief policemen of England and founded out information about the Grand High Witch. Also she found out information about the other witches. 

They both know where witches headquarters are and the headquarters is in a castle. They planned to turned them into mice and then put cats into the castle so the cats could kill the witches. Instead they were going to travel to each country and turn all the witches into mice so there is more witches to do bad things.

The witches book is really interesting because had an adventure encountering the witches.