Friday 15 December 2017

Eat my lunch

Eat my lunch

Eat my lunch

Thanks  alot the Next Foundation for the healthy lunch boxes you gave to the children at Panmure Bridge children on Wednesday. The sandwiches was delicious.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Types of community

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Religious community

Sports community
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Urban community
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Rural community

Suburban community

People in our community

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Fire fighter


People in our community
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My inquiry reflection

What I learnt
Would I like to do this topic again
In room 5 we get learn maths, writing and reading but we don’t just do that we do anything in the classroom.
In writing we have to listen to the rules that mrs tells us.We have to listen carefully to the instructions.
Because of you do the same thing again it will take for ever.
In maths time we do all kind of stuff like fractions,doubles,halfs,

Coco the funny dog

Coco is the best dog ever.When she to this school I was happy?.I was waiting for this day to happen.She is my favourite dog ever.I wish I had that dog before.She is a fuzzy dog and a happy dog.She’s cute,funny,smart and also fluffy.She runs around the classroom  looking for Mrs Prasad.I wish she stayed here tomorrow for the christmas party but Mrs Prasad said no.I wish she has a good day.

How to make a virtecle garden

If you follow  these instructions you will successfully make a vertical garden
  • You will need:
  • Plastic bottle
  • Compost
  • String

  • Water
  • Bottle lid
  • Glue
  • Herbs
  • Scissors               Method  
  1. Plan your vertical garden with your group
  2. Cut the bottom of the plastic bottle
  3. make two holes on the sides of the bottle
  4. Tie two  string into the holes of the bottle
  5. Close the mouth of the bottle of the lid
  6. Pour soil into the bottle
  7. Plant your herb into the bottle
  8. Water your herb
  9. Hang up your vertical garden


Heating water

During this lesson I learned what happens to the water when it is heated. When water is heated it evaporates as
steam .It then cooled on the side. This is condensation.

The the  water then came back down. This called precipitation .

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Heating water

During this lesson I learned what happens to the water when it is heated. When water is heated it evaporates as
steam .It then cooled on the side. This is condensation.

The the  water then came back down. This called precipitation .

DRAFT:Adding a describing word

L.I I am learning to add describing words to improve these sentences

  1. My fluffy black  dog likes to chew on a juicy beef  bone.

  2.  Zeppelin's  beautiful colerful minecraft T-shirt was bought from Farmers.

  3. Bella walked slowly down the street with her great old nana and her pretty mum.

 4.  Liletina sang a beautiful song during Sunday School lessons.

 5. “Did you Clean your messy room Spelman,” replied  mum.

6. Afatia bought some small apples at the Night Market.

7. Mum baked a  yummy banana cake for my birthday.

8. Angelica likes to read interesting books.

9. The bus driver took the children to Sylvia Park.

10. The crocodile swallowed a yellow duck.

Why animals migrate

Why animals migrate
Title: why animals migrate
Monkey:  The jungle or the forest in Australia
Diet: They eat bananas
baby:The salmon lays her eggs and after that she dies and the her babies are lonely.
groups:They stay in groups to find food


1.What happened to the robot when it got struck by lightning?
It came alive

2. Why did Tai and Ana make the robot?
For a school project

3. What two jobs was the robot told to do when the family went out to the mall?
A.put the books on the shelf
B.clothes in the washing basket

4.  On page 29, which word tells you that the man was not happy when the  microwave smacked him on his bottom?
4. Why did dad not buy a vacuum cleaner that day?
They heard lot’s of noises in the store with the kids and fort the twins making all the noise.

5. Do you think that dad believed the children had caused all the problems in the mall?  Explain why?

They were not trying to lie to dad.

Maori languge



Days of the week.




Tena koe

How are you?
Pehea e koe

Good morning







Screenshot 2017-09-12 at 12.04.31.pngScreenshot 2017-09-12 at 12.11.33.pngTai Shan, National Zoo's Panda Cub at 1 year old | Tai Shan … | Flickr

Ice bear
Pea tio


Panda tio

Storytelling through photos

Storytelling through photos

Our establishing shot

Full shot

Full shot

Medium shot

Full shot

Over the shoulder shot

People in our community

Cops help us when we are lost or when it’s a crime.They keep us safe from criminals that chase you or kidnapped you.They captured people who is drunk.When kids are lost and they can’t find their parents they call the cops.They find people caught stealing.They tackle people whoever steals or got’s a gun.Around your home you can see some criminals stealing stuff from house to house.They steal jewelry,diamonds and gold.

The weekends

Last weekend Mum,Dad and I went to the  $2 dollar and bought me a hat and a glove.Next I went to fulson and bought me socks.After that I went to the warehouse and bought a  white t-shirt and a black pants.I looked on my paper and said “ I need one more thing then i’m finish.So mum,dad and I Went to one more place.When we got there I saw hep’s of shoes.Mum and I find the black shoes for my performance.After that when we got home I put all my clothes into my bag and put it in my school bag for  monday.On monday I got my clothes ready and went to school.When I got to school I put all my clothes into my blue bag.

People in our community

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Religious community

Sports community
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Urban community
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Rural community

Suburban community

People in our community

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Sports communities
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Surburban communities

Types of communities

School communities
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Rural communities
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Religious communities

Social communities
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Urban communities

Google for begginers

Google for beginners


Google for beginners

Athletics day is the best

Manu Samoa is my culture

Mate Ma’a Tonga is my favourite team and country

Athletics day

Last Friday it was Athletics day and sausage day.After morning tea we start doing Athletics.The year 3 kids went to wait for Mrs Moward.Later on we went to do some activities.After that we did the sponge one it was cool “ Finally.”
The 1st people went up.I got up and was getting ready.” In your marks get set go” I ran as quickly as  I can.Taua slipped on the grass it was funny I was behind him I got soaking wet.I went back to my team to squeeze the sponge I squeezed it hardly.I had the best time I got wet it was the best day ever.Mr O blew the horn.After that we went to frisbees in the hoop.We all got frisbees and threw it at the hoop it was fun.I got heps in the hoop we had the last one then after that everybody mess and the boy put it back out.”Wow guys we pretty did a good job
Yeah we did do a great job
Hey guys we are a team who cares of the other team wins it’s just about fun
Yeah you’ll right we are a team who cares about if you win or lose it's just about fun.”After that Mr O blew the horn.The room 5 people went back to class to have their sausage.I enjoyed doing Athletics it was fun we get to do Ball Throws,Hula Hoop Throws,Life Saving,Rob the Nest all kind of stuff.At the end of school I enjoyed doing all these stuff from school it was the best day ever!.
 Athletics day 2017