Thursday 31 October 2019

Smart & Legal

L.I:To understand legal use of images.
Legal is that you have rights to use it.For illegal you don't have the rights
to take picture and put it on your piece of work.

To find a free image site there is Pixabay, StockVault and other
sites.To find illegal sites you can go on shutterstock.To find others
use keywords to find some.

To find out and see if it is illegal go on the license to see if
it is a legal or not.


L.I:To learn the basic grip on a Tennis Racket.
For Tennis our coach was Coach Peter.

Warm Up
In pairs one person dropped a ball the other tried to catch
it.This warm up our reactions.

Learning the forehand and backhand technique.

Forehand & Backhand Technique
For forehand one hand at the bottom of the racket.This is our dominate hand.
For backhand two hands of the racket,dominate hand stays on the bottom,
other hand hold above the bottom hand.

We also did a rally.

Wednesday 30 October 2019


L.I:To learn some maori.
First we had to complete our task.The task we did
was that we had to translate the maori sentences into english and this
was video three.We had to answer all the maori sentences.To find the
english words go onto maori dictonary because it has the correct ones.

The next task we did was called Ko wai to hoa.We had to translate the
maori sentences into english.One was Who is your brother.


L.I:To learn about respect.
In Kiwican we talked about some stuff about respect.

The energiser we was challenges.There was a leader and he has
to tell us the challenge.When he has told us we all have to do as
a team.We had to switch leaders until it was over.

After that we talked about what was hard about that activity.When we have
done that we talked about our strengths like what we were good at.

The activity we did was called Human Note.We had to get into a
two big groups.When we have we havbe to hold hands with a person
thats not next to you.The aim of the game is to maked a good circle and
no notes.One rule is that you can't let go and hold hands again that's cheating.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Novel/George's Marvellous Medicine/(Ronald Dahl)

L.I:To read our Ronald Dahl novel.
There were different types of Ronald Dahl books and we had to pick one of
them.I picked George's Marvellous Medicine.People that had my book has
to read up to chapter 1 to 2.We also made our own bokmarks for our own books.
The book was about that George was all alone with his wired grandma.She asked
for things and he did it.She said " make my cup of tea and put sugar with it".She
didn't like it so he put another sugar in it.After that she was being wired and she told
him to stop growing and he was also talking about disgusting stuff.

She told him secrets.He went into kitcehn nervous and we was thinking of a marvellous
plan.One was that he wanted to do a explosion.


L.I:To learn maori.
First we had to finsh a task that we haven't done.The next task we did was
about the maori gods.We had to match the gods to there territory so like Earthquakes
and Volcanoes is Skyfather.Another one is Earth mother is Goddes of earth.That was the first
task we did for this week and the other task we did was called Noa hea koe which means where are you from.There countries that we had to translate to english.

(More to go)


L.I:To respect others and ourselves.
The first thing we did was playing the energiser.The energiser we did
was called Vs.How to play is there is a word and we have to pick a side.
Like fizzy or chcocolate.You also have to say why your one is better.The last
rule is that you can't talk about there word like fizzy is to fizzy.We had new words
each round and if your group wins you get one point.That energiser was fun.When
that was over we racapped what we did last week for kiwican.

After that we did our activity and it was called wisdom or might.We had to get into two groups.
Wisdom is when you have to answer some riddle.Might is when you get into a circle and you have to
sit on the person behind.That was a fun activity.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Meanings & Functions/Words

L.I:To research.
First we had to research of meanings and functions of words.We had to make table
that has the word, the meaning and the function.There are twenty one words we had to
get information.At the end we have to make a prediction about what are we going to
do for the next few weeks.The predictions is doing a origami plane and how it flies.Also
how far it can go.

We learnt it by researching and learning.

The tools we used is our information, meanings, words and functions.Also our chromebooks.

Friday 18 October 2019

The Lotto Ticket Win/Recount

L.I:To revise the structure of a recount and reaffirm the marking criteria.
There are six structure's of a recount.We had to write a recount about winning
the Lotto and it also has to be the structure of a recount.We had only fourty minutes
to write our interesting recount.We also could put interesting words to make intersting.

After that we had to mark our recount.Also another person has to mark it.A three is not good
a 4 is good but a 5 and a 6 is really good.When we have marked it we had to give us a total of
it.It is just practice.

We also had to make another recount.

Rap Lyric & Poetic Verse/Vocab Builder

L.I:To find Rap Lyrics and Poetic Verse and build vocab.
First we had to do a vocab builder.We had to write a topic and below we had to write the answers down.We had to do mutiple of those one's. Next when we have finshed that we had to make a Rap lyric or Poetic verse.We had to also make mutiple slides of it.We have to make sure it is from a rapper and a poem writer.We could also talk about who wrote it.

Thursday 17 October 2019


L.I:To practice maths and different strategies.
There were four activities we had to do and it was a quiz.The first one
was about caculation area and primeter.The next one was adding and subtracting
time.The third one was about fractions.The last one was adding and subtracting.
Adding and subtracting was for time and decimals.Mutiplication was time tables
and divison is group and sharing.

Lastly here are different type's of strategy we used for maths and it is:

  • Basic Facts
  • Tidy Numbers
  • Place Value
  • Repeated Addition and Subtraction
  • Rounding and Compensatting
  • Written Algorithim
  • Reversing
This is example of one of the strategies.The strategy is reversing.


We learnt it by quzzing and learning.

We used our strategies, book and pencil.Also our brain

Wednesday 16 October 2019


L.I:To learn maori activities.
First we had to get into a group of six people.We had to learn about
maori words.In english it means who is your name, your parents names
and your friends name.Also who is he or she.We learned about that at first.
Next we had to watch a video scene that is maori.Then on the google docs there
were the words that were in maori that were said in the scene.We had to translate those
words in english.The last activites we did was also words we had to translate in english.Lastly
we had to use three words that are moari and it into a sentence.

(There is more activities but we haven't got to those one's yet but next time}


L.I:To respect eachother and ourselves.
Our theme was called Respect.We talked about Respect for a little bit.
The energiser we did had levels.Apple means to go foward and orange means
go backwards.Also banana is to do a 1 80 degree turn.We did a practice so we could now
how to play.We had to get int a circle and do it.If you do th wrong action and also
your last person to finsh it off your out.The winner of the game was me.

Then we talked about how respect eachother and ourselves.The activity did
was a guessing challenge.To play is that you have to think of a lie and a truth.
You have to tell the lie and a truth to the people that are listenign to it.You also
have to pick a side and if get it correct you get a point.