Monday 17 December 2018

How to be safe online

How to be safe online.Being safe online is very important.
Why you asked it's because to keep your mobile safe.Of it get's
hack that is not being safe online.Also of your online don't send
out personal imformation.Also of you want to be safe online heres an example of being safe online.Beware of strangers because do know why.It's because you don't know them.So stay away from strangers because they might do something online to you.Also heres another example make sure online and they tell to do something that's not safe don't listen to them and just delete the person of your friends of he is your friend.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Spelman, it's Billy here from the Summer Learning Journey team.

    Thanks for sharing three different tips for staying safe online. It's especially important to keep your private information to yourself such as your name, home address, school name and family's names. I often change my password as well. I also like to use different numbers, special characters and capital letters in my passwords - that makes it much more difficult to crack.

    Thanks, and stay safe online.


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