Friday 7 December 2018

Martin Luther King Jr (Inquiry)

L.I:To research about the protester you picked.
This week for inquiry we learned about inquiry.
We learned about nonvolient protesters.We had to pick
protesters that nonvolient protesters.The protester we 
picked was called Martin Luther King Jr.He is a nonvolient
protester.We had to write about him and how he came a activist.
We had to make a slide and notes about him and the pholiphsy.
So we had to write the biography and the pholiphsy that's what we have to 
do for inquiry.We also had to do is write a fun fact.
It is a quiz.You do it to make people choose the correct

1 comment:

  1. Hi spelman

    I have also done this task but it was nelson mandela.I like what you did but next time can you add a photo of what the biography of what martin luther king quiz or say what you did before that lead to what you did now
    Keep it up!


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