Wednesday 3 April 2019

William Henry Lynch's

L.I:To unlock keywords to summarise text.
L.I:To skim and scan Keywords
L.I:To research a rangeof resourses to find information.
For reading we learnt about soilders.We were also learning about stuff that was in WW1.There was WW1 equiltment.We had to pick one.When we picked it is about a soilder in WW1.We had to answer the 5 W's by getting imformation about your soilder.My person was William Henry Lynch's.The equiltment we used was Canva.We had to put our imformaton about our soilder into Canva. There were sites about that soilder.Also we made an Infographic.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Spelman,
    You have an amazing Infographic. It looks great. But I can't read the text properly, and you don't have a margin. You have a really interesting soldier. I have also done a Infographic on a soldier.

    Good Job Spelman!


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